

Nissan Diesel UD Japan 2014

Spare parts catalog Nissan Diesel UD (FAST for Windows) JAPAN - 6 CD: A, B, C, D, E, F also contains the full information on spare parts on all models which were was issued in Japan. The environment of the program is similar Nissan Diesel UD, the interface of the program in English, only all names of details are executed in the Japanese language. At work from CD program Nissan Diesel UD will occupy 11Mb on the winchester, at full installation of all disks the program will occupy 3 Gb. How correctly to establish the program completely on the winchester, it is described in article "Effective work with the program Nissan Diesel UD for Windows". Except for search of spare parts the program contains the utility for an estimation of damage after collision (the list of spare parts subject to replacement), and also the program of search of applicability of a detail and search the deputy.

The list of "fast" keys duplicating buttons on the panel of the program Nissan Diesel UD for Windows.
F2 The basic window of indexes of groups of spare parts
F3 Transition to figure under number of section (SEC)
F4 Search of figure under number and the name of section (SEC)
F5 Translation of number of a detail in figure in original number of a detail
F6 A seal
F7 Search of a detail or figure under the name
F9 Notes
F12 Clearing the screen
F11 An estimation of damage from collision

Catalogue type: Spare parts catalogue
Regions: Japan
Language: Japanese
Operating system: WinXP, Windows 7/8/10
Disk amount: 1 DVD
Date: 04/2014 
Price: 50 USD

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Nissan Diesel UD Japan 2014 spare parts catalog, Nissan Uniflow Scavenging Diesel Engine
Nissan Diesel UD Japan 2014 spare parts catalog, Nissan Uniflow Scavenging Diesel Engine
Nissan Diesel UD Japan 2014 spare parts catalog, Nissan Uniflow Scavenging Diesel Engine
Nissan Diesel UD Japan 2014 spare parts catalog, Nissan Uniflow Scavenging Diesel Engine
Nissan Diesel UD Japan 2014 spare parts catalog, Nissan Uniflow Scavenging Diesel Engine
Nissan Diesel UD Japan 2014 spare parts catalog, Nissan Uniflow Scavenging Diesel Engine
Nissan Diesel UD Japan 2014 spare parts catalog, Nissan Uniflow Scavenging Diesel Engine
Nissan Diesel UD Japan 2014 spare parts catalog, Nissan Uniflow Scavenging Diesel Engine


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