GMC & Chevrolet
The program GMC & Chevrolet occupies 950 Mb on a hard disk. Works ONLY from a hard disk, after installation for work CD are not required. Contains the information on spare parts to all models of automobiles on factories of Brazil. And as catalogue ACDelco and accessories. The program GMC & Chevrolet in the Brazilian and English languages. Astra 95/96 Astra 99/2006 Blazer Calibra Celta Chevette Corsa 94/2006 Corsa Novo 2002/2006 Kadett Meriva Monza Motores Omega 93/98 Omega 99/2006 Opala S10 Silverado Space Van Tigra Tracker Vectra 94/96 Vectra 97/05 Vectra 2006 Zafira Utilitarios 64/84 Utilitarios 85/96 Camiones 64/84 Camiones 85/96
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