


The program TRANSPO represents the catalogue of details of generators, coils of ignition, the relay and switchboards for the European and American automobiles. Details of starters in the new program are not present more.
The program is simple in installation and work, it is possible to work with the program from CD, possible to establish completely.
In the program a plenty of qualitative figures and photos, with the instruction{indication} of the sizes and set of other technical information, and also big cross-refferense.
The given program is very useful to autoelectricians and the services repairing generators and an electric equipment.
The catalogue of details of generators, coils of ignition, the relay and switchboards

Catalogue type: Spare parts catalogue
Regions: All regions 
Language: English
Operating system: WinXP, Windows 7/8/10
Disk amount: 1 CD
Date: 10/2006 
Price: 25 USD

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Transpo alternator and starter products catalogue
Transpo alternator and starter products catalogue
Transpo alternator and starter products catalogue
Transpo alternator and starter products catalogue
Transpo alternator and starter products catalogue
Transpo alternator and starter products catalogue
Transpo catalogue of details of generators, coils of ignition, the relay and switchboards
Transpo catalogue of details of generators, coils of ignition, the relay and switchboards
Transpo catalogue of details of generators, coils of ignition, the relay and switchboards
Transpo catalogue of details of generators, coils of ignition, the relay and switchboards



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