The IC4 Interface Device is the only tested and approved communication cable with the ServiceAssistant - MD software. IC4 Interface Device supports J1708, J1939, CAN, and other proprietary data links, including International ECM high-speed programming. ServiceAssistant - MD provides the capabilities to * Detect Engine ECM and provide proper link to the service tool * Monitor data link activity and the source of the data link activity * Monitor Engine parameters (PIDs) in real time * Graph Engine parameters (PIDs) in real time * Capture Engine parameters in snapshot recordings * Replay Engine parameter snapshot recordings * Read and Display ECM Engine make, model, and VIN * Read and Display ECM Diagnostic Trouble Codes * Link ECM Diagnostic Trouble Codes to additional diagnostic service information * Read and Display ECM Diagnostic Freeze Frame information * Request to initiate and execute On-board ECM diagnostic tests * Read, display, and modify ECM programmable parameters * Provide Engine Diagnostic Guide in electronic form * Provide informational video and pictures and special diagnostic procedures